Bio english

Picture by Jana Vollmer

Deutsche Version


Hailing from the UK, Germany and Chile, The Sprees formed in late 2022, having met on a variety of online music forums in their home city of Berlin. With a ton of creative energy pent up over the lockdown, they quickly began performing on the local scene, mixing early 2000s indie rock, New York punk and electronic influences with a sprinkle of subversive lyrics and sing-a-long choruses.

Taking their cue from the Libertines, singer-guitarists Christopher Reynolds and Phil Farrow share songwriting and lead vocal duties. Their songs highlight struggles with inner demons, the too-cool-for-school Berlin lifestyle and illusions of the digital age. Bassist Robert Stephan and drummer Pablo Monardes keep things tight with high energy beats and grooves. Since the end of 2023 keyboardist and singer Olivia Popp has been taking the band’s sound to new heights with electronic elements and a colorful voice. Just three months into their first year, they had already written enough songs to make their mums proud and played a number of Berlin clubs, releasing their first single „Real Overload“, in the spring of 2023. It is still a long way to go till the band will reach their goal to support idols such as The Pixies, but the four musicians are in it for the ride and the long haul.


Pictures by Jana Vollmer